Chumash is the bedrock upon which all Torah knowledge is built. The Chumash curriculum will explore how to independently learn the text of the Torah. Special attention will be paid to the punctuation of the Torah, as well as the structure of words and phrases within the text. Our course of study over the years of high school will focus on the legal portions of the Torah. The narrative portions, with which students are already familiar, will be discussed on Fridays during Parashat HaShavua.
Nach serves two functions: it presents the history of the Jewish people from our first entrance into the Land of Canaan until our return from the Babylonian exile. It also provides timeless messages of God’s expectations of us and the centrality of the Land of Israel to our definition of ourselves as a nation, along with visions of our final redemption. Our curriculum will choose philosophic topics that bridge across various nevi’im, showing the interconnectedness of the messages they sought to impart.
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