לימודי קודש

Judaic Studies

Our Judaic Studies program is designed to engage the hearts and minds of our students. Intensive study of themes relevant to our educational focus will be interwoven with survey courses utilizing analysis of Torah texts. Our goal is for students to rediscover the relevance of our heritage and its connection to their sense of who they are and want to be.



Chumash is the bedrock upon which all Torah knowledge is built. The Chumash curriculum will explore how to independently learn the text of the Torah. Special attention will be paid to the punctuation of the Torah, as well as the structure of words and phrases within the text. Our course of study over the years of high school will focus on the legal portions of the Torah. The narrative portions, with which students are already familiar, will be discussed on Fridays during Parashat HaShavua.


תורה שבעל פה

Torah Sheb’al Peh is the foundation upon which we construct our daily lives. Students will explore the Six Orders of the Mishna throughout their high school education. Our goal is for students to see the breadth of halacha and by graduation to know where in Shas they will find the basis for the halachot we observe.



Nach serves two functions: it presents the history of the Jewish people from our first entrance into the Land of Canaan until our return from the Babylonian exile. It also provides timeless messages of God’s expectations of us and the centrality of the Land of Israel to our definition of ourselves as a  nation, along with visions of our final redemption. Our curriculum will choose philosophic topics that bridge across various nevi’im, showing the interconnectedness of the messages they sought to impart.



Our Torah Sheb’al Peh curriculum also includes Halacha, the bringing together of תורה שבכתב, the Written Torah, and תורה שבעל פה, the Oral Torah. Students will trace the path of practical halacha, starting with the text of the Chumash, following it through Mishna and Gemara, arriving at the decisions as they are codified for daily practice. Before each of the chagim, the curriculum will focus on the halachot of the holiday, working through different aspects of each chag over the course of high school.


To show the real-life synthesis of Torah in our daily lives, the students will explore topics relevant to their future careers from both Torah and secular viewpoints. Business ethics and contract law are among the subjects that will be explored from both perspectives simultaneously, allowing for comparing and contrasting the two legal systems.