Our school is a place where students can take intellectual risks, learn and grow from those challenges in a supportive atmosphere, and develop the grit and resilience required to build meaningful lives. We will graduate students who have the desire, skills, and capacity to learn anything – and how to put that knowledge to use. They will value the wonders of הקדוש ברוך הוא, God, in all of creation.
We will foster collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, and communication skills. Students will acquire the tools they need to master greater ownership of their learning.
Committed to Torah and the State of Israel
Our לימודי קודש, Judaic Studies, program is centered around an innovative curriculum that interweaves Torah sources with real-world applications and themes. To show the real-life synthesis of Torah in our daily lives, the students will explore topics relevant to their future careers from both Torah and secular viewpoints. Our goal is for students to embrace the relevance of our מסורה, our heritage, and its connection to their sense of who they are and want to be. Our לימודי קודש staff members represent the values we embrace and serve as real Modern Orthodox role models to our students.
Primed to Succeed
Upon completing their studies at Yeshivat Bonayich, students will receive both a high school diploma and credit towards coursework and/or certification in their concentration area. The curriculum will better prepare students to enter university and allow them to either work during college or go directly into the workforce if they so choose.
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